The Law Society of South Australia partners with Diabetes SA

As an organisation with a proud history of serving the South Australian community since 1953 we are delighted that the 2020 President of the Law Society of South Australia, Mr Tim White has chosen Diabetes SA as his charity of choice in 2020.

In my role as the CEO of Diabetes SA I have seen first-hand the impact that diabetes has on the person diagnosed and those supporting them. In South Australia alone there are 110,280 people diagnosed with diabetes and as a percentage of the total population South Australia has the highest prevalence of diabetes in Australia.

With one person diagnosed every five minutes and an estimated 500,000 people nationally living with undiagnosed diabetes, we have an important role in raising awareness of diabetes – the signs, symptoms, educating people about their risk and providing programs and services to help people live well with diabetes.

We see our partnership with the Law Society of South Australia as a perfect opportunity to place a spotlight on diabetes at an organisational and individual level, increasing your knowledge and improving your health as well as providing opportunity to understand what we do and how you can support our work.

With over 65 years at the frontline of diabetes support in South Australia our role in the community is to empower people to live well with diabetes whilst raising awareness for those at risk and we do this by educating, advocating, supporting the person as well as funding research to discover new treatments for the many South Australians living with or at risk of diabetes. Most of all we provide personalised, individual support.

On behalf of the Association I would like to thank the President of the Law Society of South Australia Mr Tim White for providing us with this wonderful opportunity.

Angelique Pasalidis, CEO Diabetes SA

Our mission is to educate, advocate, support and fund research to provide better outcomes for people living with diabetes.