
Since 1956, Diabetes SA has run camps for children living with type 1 diabetes.

Camps are an important source of practical and emotional support for children and adolescents living with type 1 diabetes.

They provide an opportunity to meet and connect with peers living with diabetes and to increase personal knowledge of managing diabetes.

The aim of our camps is for young people to develop the skills and confidence to self-manage their condition while leading an active and fulfilling life.

Currently Diabetes SA conducts two camps per year:

  • Junior Camp for children aged between 9 – 11 years
  • Senior Camp for children aged between 12 – 14 years

Camp is often a life-changing experience for all involved including campers, parents, staff and volunteers.

We would not be able to run our camps without the support and expertise of our volunteers.

If you are a credentialled diabetes educator, diabetes educator or registered nurse with experience in managing type 1 diabetes we would welcome your expertise as a volunteer at camp.

If you are a young adult aged 18 years or older living with type 1 diabetes we would welcome your support as a valuable mentor for our campers.

For more information on becoming a camp volunteer contact 1300 198 204 or [email protected]

Junior Camp 2024 Expression of Interest is now open!
Junior Camps provide a unique opportunity to help young people develop skills and confidence to self-manage their diabetes, while leading an active and fulfilling life.

During the weekend, the kids get to know each other through games, activities and shared experiences. 

Who: Kids living with type 1 diabetes aged between 9-12 years
Where: Mylor Adventure Camp, 32 Wingrove Road, Mylor, SA 5153
When: Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 October 2024
Cost: Free to Diabetes SA members aged 9 – 11 years 

Please complete the online Expression of Interest Form – Junior Camp 2024

Applications for this camp close on Friday 26 July 2024
Any application form received after this date will not be considered. 

Places are limited, so make sure to complete the expression of interest form before the closing date. You will receive notification via email of whether your application was successful or unsuccessful for Junior Camp 2024.

Please call 1300 198 204 if you have any questions.

Volunteering at Camp

We would not be able to run our camps without the support of our generous volunteers.

If you are a credentialled diabetes educator, diabetes educator or registered nurse with experience in managing type 1 diabetes we would welcome your expertise as a volunteer at camp. Please complete the expression of interest form here and a member of our team will be in touch.

We are also lucky to have young adults living with type 1 diabetes volunteer at camp as valuable mentors to our young campers. If you are a young adult aged 18 years or older living with type 1 diabetes and are interested in volunteering at camp please complete the volunteer expression of interest form here

In their own words…

“It was literally the best thing to be a part of.” (From feedback form)  

“Thank you Diabetes SA for continuing to run such an amazing program. It wasn’t until my daughter started to camp that she embraced her diabetes – showing the kids it is no reason not to live life to the full and have some amazing fun times along the way is very beneficial to them.” (From Facebook, parent)

“Thanks Diabetes SA for giving these kids the opportunity to attend the camps. It is a great confidence builder for our children with T1D, and lovely friendships are built from the time they spend on camp. Both the kids and teen’s camps are extremely worthwhile. Thank you everyone who volunteers at the camps and also to the sponsors and staff of Diabetes SA.” (From Facebook, parent)

“As a person who went on a camp, I truly recommend it. I did my first injection on camp, a few months after diagnosis.. beforehand my mum had to be available for my injections. On camp, it was normal, and I did it myself (and forever after!). I have made lifelong friends through camps, and am proud to have been a volunteer on many camps. I missed one ‘cos it clashed with an event I entered to run 100km. I'm so proud to have helped a few young people do their first injections.” (Volunteer)

“On camp, it’s a chance to do crazy activities, and be supported by professionals. A chance for the family at home to sleep in, without waking up to do finger pricks overnight. A chance to eat different food, under the guidance of the dietitian. I’m glad I went! Nothing we can’t do, except produce insulin!!” (From Facebook, past camper)

“It’s a great opportunity to meet and talk with other that have diabetes and feel good within yourself about it.” (From camp evaluations, camper)

“Being able to see the kids and how they cope with life puts into perspective my own life and helps me to want to be a better person.” (From camp evaluations, Health Professional volunteer)

“I always find it very motivating, and fulfilling being a part of camp.” (From camp evaluations, Health Professional volunteer)

Links to explore…

For more camp photos visit our Facebook page

Donate to support a camp

Your generous donation will help ensure we can continue to offer our valued camp program.

Please donate now.