Multilingual Services

Many culturally and linguistically diverse communities are at an increased risk of developing diabetes. Here’s how we can help.

Australia is a culturally rich and diverse nation. Over 300 different languages are spoken in Australian homes today.

Diverse in terms of country of birth, language spoken, religious affiliation or secular belief – and whether people are of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent.

In 2019 almost 30 per cent of Australia’s populations was born overseas.

Research also shows that certain culturally and linguistically diverse groups in Australia are disproportionately affected by type 2 diabetes compared with the Australian-born population.

People born in certain regions of the globe, including Northern Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Southern and Eastern Europe and South Pacific Islands, tend to have an increased risk of developing diabetes.

People from these groups also have a higher rate of diabetes-related hospitalisations and death, together with worse overall health outcomes than those born in Australia.

Link to references:

Australian Bureau of Statistics: 2020. Migration, Australia.

Commonwealth of Australia: 2015. Australian National Diabetes Strategy 2016-2020 

Do you need diabetes information in another language?

A broad range of diabetes resources are available on the NDSS website at Information in your language. Go to: and select your language to get started. 

Diabetes SA supporting the CALD community

Diabetes SA has dedicated health professionals working with diabetes and the CALD community.

Please contact us if you need support or information. Just call 1300 198 204 to speak to a member of our health services team.

Translation services

The links below will direct you to Government organisations that provide translation services.

The following website offer information on numerous health topics – including diabetes – in a variety of languages. Health promotion and diabetes education materials are also available for health care professionals.