Supporting Aged Care Providers and Older People

Did you know... Diabetes SA provides a range of services for aged care providers and for older people themselves?

Around one quarter of people aged 70 and over are living with diabetes. They may have lived with the condition for many years and may be living with comorbidities and diabetes-related complications. As a result, care and support is often complex.

Diabetes SA is committed to increasing knowledge and understanding of diabetes for older people who are living with diabetes and for the carers and workforce who support them.

How we can help

  • Tailored training for your healthcare workforce to support people living with diabetes, either at your venue or at Diabetes SA Hilton training facility, CPD accredited.
  • Review of diabetes management and care at residential aged care sites, including policies, procedures, equipment, and staff training needs.
  • Credentialled Diabetes Educators, Dietitians, and Exercise Physiology services, including 1-on-1, group sessions, telehealth, phone, email advice and support.
  • Diabetes education and information sessions for people who are living with diabetes or at risk of diabetes.
  • Diabetes SA membership for individuals or organisations, including regular e-newsletters, MyLife magazine, free podiatry clinic, free hearing assessment, supermarket tours, webinars and other events and discounts.
  • A wide range of resources and diabetes management products available in our retail store and online.
  • Convenient location, inclusive resources available in a wide range of languages, specific programs at no cost for people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, for the Mental Health workforce and for residential aged care staff.

Residential Aged Care Facility review by Credentialled Diabetes Educator (RN)

  • Review of diabetes policies and procedures, staff training records, selected resident care plans and other records, to identify areas for improvement in diabetes care and management
  • Staff knowledge gap analysis
  • Staff interviews, observation and shadowing to assess staff practices
  • Inspection of diabetes related supplies, equipment and technology
  • Check of diabetes related storage logs and records

Detailed report including strengths, identification of urgent actions required, recommendations for quality improvement, alignment with Aged Care Quality Standards, and staff training plan. Additional option to include menu review by dietitian, consumer-centred resident and family interviews, or staff mentoring.

For more information:

Download: Supporting aged care providers and older people

Call: 1300 198 204 Email: [email protected]